Understanding mood, anxiety, and symptom tracking

You understand you failed. For three months you awaited the appointment and did nothing. You failed to track your mood, anxiety, or symptoms, thus you were unable to influence the situation. We must be ready for any appointment, whether it is an initial or follow-up one, with a therapist or psychiatrist. Both psychotherapy and medication…

Categorized as Health

The causes, symptoms, and treatments of seasonal affective disorder

Coronavirus symptoms abstract concept vector illustration. Coronavirus test, most common symptoms, breathing problem, fever and cough, loss of taste or smell, severe state abstract metaphor.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), often known as seasonal depression, is a mental health illness characterised by depressive and meaningless sensations that surface around the same time every year. Although SAD often manifests throughout the winter, a rare variation called summer depression or reverse SAD can arise during the longer, balmy summer months. The symptoms of…

Categorized as Health